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Tipovanie: Premier League 2009/2010


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30.október 2009:

13:45 - Arsenal vs. Tottenham Hotspur 2:1

16:00 - Portsmouth vs. Wigan Athletic 1:1

16:00 - Fulham vs. Liverpool 0:3

16:00 - Everton vs. Aston Villa 1:2

16:00 - Burnley vs. Hull City 1:0

16:00 - Bolton Wanderers vs. Chelsea 0:2

16:00 - Stoke City vs, Wolverhampton Wanderers 1:0

16:00 - Sunderland vs. West Ham United 2:1

18:30 - Manchester United vs. Blackburn Rovers 3:0


1.november 2009:

17:00 - Birmingham vs. Manchester City 2:2

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30.október 2009:

13:45 - Arsenal vs. Tottenham Hotspur 2:2

16:00 - Portsmouth vs. Wigan Athletic 2:1

16:00 - Fulham vs. Liverpool 1:1

16:00 - Everton vs. Aston Villa 2:2

16:00 - Burnley vs. Hull City 2:0

16:00 - Bolton Wanderers vs. Chelsea 1:2

16:00 - Stoke City vs, Wolverhampton Wanderers 1:0

16:00 - Sunderland vs. West Ham United 1:2

18:30 - Manchester United vs. Blackburn Rovers 3:0


1.november 2009:

17:00 - Birmingham vs. Manchester City 3:2

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11.kolo - 31.10.-1.11.2009


30.október 2009:

13:45 - Arsenal vs. Tottenham Hotspur - 2:1

16:00 - Portsmouth vs. Wigan Athletic - 1:0

16:00 - Fulham vs. Liverpool - 1:2

16:00 - Everton vs. Aston Villa - 2:1

16:00 - Burnley vs. Hull City - 1:0

16:00 - Bolton Wanderers vs. Chelsea - 1:2

16:00 - Stoke City vs, Wolverhampton Wanderers - 2:1

16:00 - Sunderland vs. West Ham United - 2:1

18:30 - Manchester United vs. Blackburn Rovers - 3:0


1.november 2009:

17:00 - Birmingham vs. Manchester City - 1:2

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30.október 2009:

13:45 - Arsenal vs. Tottenham Hotspur - 3:1

16:00 - Portsmouth vs. Wigan Athletic - 1:1

16:00 - Fulham vs. Liverpool - 1:3

16:00 - Everton vs. Aston Villa - 2:1

16:00 - Burnley vs. Hull City - 1:1

16:00 - Bolton Wanderers vs. Chelsea - 1:2

16:00 - Stoke City vs, Wolverhampton Wanderers - 1:0

16:00 - Sunderland vs. West Ham United - 2:1

18:30 - Manchester United vs. Blackburn Rovers - 4:1


1.november 2009:

17:00 - Birmingham vs. Manchester City - 1:2

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Zabudol som natipovat, vzdy ako vidim zapasy tak tipujem aby sa mi nestalo to co teraz. No nic, zostal mi jeden tazky zapas, snad bude aspon za 5 bodov.

17:00 - Birmingham vs. Manchester City 1:2

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Výsledky tipovačky - 11.kolo - 31.10.-1.11.2009


  • Arsenal vs. Tottenham Hotspur - 3:0
  • Portsmouth vs. Wigan Athletic - 4:0
  • Fulham vs. Liverpool - 3:1
  • Everton vs. Aston Villa - 1:1
  • Burnley vs. Hull City - 2:0
  • Bolton Wanderers vs. Chelsea - 0:4
  • Stoke City vs, Wolverhampton Wanderers - 2:2
  • Sunderland vs. West Ham United - 2:2
  • Manchester United vs. Blackburn Rovers - 2:0
  • Birmingham vs. Manchester City - 0:0

Výsledky tipovačky - 11.kolo

  • tomassi - 27 bodov
  • Ryan Giggs - 17 bodov
  • aljak63 - 16 bodov
  • lopata555 - 16 bodov
  • game - 9 bodov
  • slimak - 0 bodov

Tabuľka podľa bodov

  • aljak63 - 223 bodov
  • game - 205 bodov
  • Ryan Giggs - 202 bodov
  • tomassi - 193 bodov
  • lopata555 - 188 bodov
  • phersu - 170 bodov
  • slimak - 140 bodov
  • nutrinka - 113 bodov
  • tiborco - 91 bodov

Tabuľka podľa úspešnosti

  • aljak63 - (106/106) - 2,10
  • tiborco - (47/106) - 1,94
  • game - (106/106) - 1,93
  • phersu - (89/106) - 1,91
  • Ryan Giggs - (106/106) - 1,91
  • tomassi - (106/106) - 1,82
  • lopata555 - (106/106) - 1,77
  • nutrinka - (65/106) - 1,74
  • slimak - (85/106) - 1,65
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4.november 2009: (dohrávka 2.kola)

20:45 - West Ham United vs. Aston Villa



12.kolo - 7.-9.11.2009


7.november 2009:

16:00 - Tottenham Hotspur vs. Sunderland

16:00 - Manchester City vs. Burnley

16:00 - Aston Villa vs. Bolton Wanderers

16:00 - Blackburn Rovers vs. Portsmouth

18:30 - Wolverhampton Wanderers vs. Arsenal


8.november 2009:

14:30 - Hull City vs. Stoke City

16:00 - Wigan Athletic vs. Fulham

16:00 - West Ham United vs. Everton

17:00 - Chelsea vs. Manchester United


9.november 2009:

21:00 - Liverpool vs. Birmingham

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20:45 - West Ham United vs. Aston Villa 1:0



12.kolo - 7.-9.11.2009


7.november 2009:

16:00 - Tottenham Hotspur vs. Sunderland 1:0

16:00 - Manchester City vs. Burnley 2:0

16:00 - Aston Villa vs. Bolton Wanderers 2:1

16:00 - Blackburn Rovers vs. Portsmouth 2:0

18:30 - Wolverhampton Wanderers vs. Arsenal 1:3


8.november 2009:

14:30 - Hull City vs. Stoke City 2:0

16:00 - Wigan Athletic vs. Fulham 1:1

16:00 - West Ham United vs. Everton 2:0

17:00 - Chelsea vs. Manchester United 2:0


9.november 2009:

21:00 - Liverpool vs. Birmingham 2:0

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Otazka na aljaka. Nemôžem natipovať tento jeden zapas teraz a zvyšne neskôr? Pytam sa preto, že tak skoro zo začiatku tyždňa si tipovať netrufam (môže sa za ten tyždeň v kluboch stať všeličo), ale aby si v tom potom nemal bordel.

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jasne, môže sa tipovať ľubovoľne :lol: neni problém


dôležité je len dodržať čas, že treba uzavrieť tipy pred začiatkom zápasu :)

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Ok, dik. Ak to tebe nerobi problem, tak mne dupľom nie. :lol:


4.november 2009: (dohrávka 2.kola)

20:45 - West Ham United vs. Aston Villa 2:1

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Výsledky tipovačky - dohrávka 2.kola - 4.11.2009


  • West Ham United vs. Aston Villa - 2:1

Výsledky tipovačky - dohrávka 2.kola

  • Ryan Giggs - 5 bodov
  • aljak63 - 3 body
  • game - 3 body
  • lopata555 - 3 body
  • slimak - 3 body
  • tomassi - 1 bod

Tabuľka podľa bodov

  • aljak63 - 226 bodov
  • game - 208 bodov
  • Ryan Giggs - 207 bodov
  • tomassi - 194 bodov
  • lopata555 - 191 bodov
  • phersu - 170 bodov
  • slimak - 143 bodov
  • nutrinka - 113 bodov
  • tiborco - 91 bodov

Tabuľka podľa úspešnosti

  • aljak63 - (107/107) - 2,11
  • game - (107/107) - 1,94
  • tiborco - (47/107) - 1,94
  • Ryan Giggs - (107/107) - 1,93
  • phersu - (89/107) - 1,91
  • tomassi - (107/107) - 1,81
  • lopata555 - (107/107) - 1,79
  • nutrinka - (65/107) - 1,74
  • slimak - (86/107) - 1,66
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12.kolo - 7.-9.11.2009


7.november 2009:

16:00 - Tottenham Hotspur vs. Sunderland - 2:1

16:00 - Manchester City vs. Burnley - 3:0

16:00 - Aston Villa vs. Bolton Wanderers - 2:1

16:00 - Blackburn Rovers vs. Portsmouth - 2:1

18:30 - Wolverhampton Wanderers vs. Arsenal - 0:2


8.november 2009:

14:30 - Hull City vs. Stoke City - 2:1

16:00 - Wigan Athletic vs. Fulham - 1:0

16:00 - West Ham United vs. Everton - 2:1

17:00 - Chelsea vs. Manchester United - 2:1


9.november 2009:

21:00 - Liverpool vs. Birmingham - 3:0

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12.kolo - 7.-9.11.2009


7.november 2009:

16:00 - Tottenham Hotspur vs. Sunderland 3:1

16:00 - Manchester City vs. Burnley 2:0

16:00 - Aston Villa vs. Bolton Wanderers 1:0

16:00 - Blackburn Rovers vs. Portsmouth 1:1

18:30 - Wolverhampton Wanderers vs. Arsenal 1:2


8.november 2009:

14:30 - Hull City vs. Stoke City 2:2

16:00 - Wigan Athletic vs. Fulham 1:1

16:00 - West Ham United vs. Everton 0:1

17:00 - Chelsea vs. Manchester United 3:2


9.november 2009:

21:00 - Liverpool vs. Birmingham 4:1

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12.kolo - 7.-9.11.2009


7.november 2009:

16:00 - Tottenham Hotspur vs. Sunderland 3:1

16:00 - Manchester City vs. Burnley 2:0

16:00 - Aston Villa vs. Bolton Wanderers 2:1

16:00 - Blackburn Rovers vs. Portsmouth 1:2

18:30 - Wolverhampton Wanderers vs. Arsenal 1:4


8.november 2009:

14:30 - Hull City vs. Stoke City 2:1

16:00 - Wigan Athletic vs. Fulham 0:2

16:00 - West Ham United vs. Everton 3:1

17:00 - Chelsea vs. Manchester United 2:2


9.november 2009:

21:00 - Liverpool vs. Birmingham 3:0

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12.kolo - 7.-9.11.2009


7.november 2009:

16:00 - Tottenham Hotspur vs. Sunderland 2:1

16:00 - Manchester City vs. Burnley 2:0

16:00 - Aston Villa vs. Bolton Wanderers 2:1

16:00 - Blackburn Rovers vs. Portsmouth 1:1

18:30 - Wolverhampton Wanderers vs. Arsenal 1:3


8.november 2009:

14:30 - Hull City vs. Stoke City 1:1

16:00 - Wigan Athletic vs. Fulham 1:0

16:00 - West Ham United vs. Everton 2:1

17:00 - Chelsea vs. Manchester United 2:2


9.november 2009:

21:00 - Liverpool vs. Birmingham 3:1

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12.kolo - 7.-9.11.2009


7.november 2009:

16:00 - Tottenham Hotspur vs. Sunderland - 2:1

16:00 - Manchester City vs. Burnley - 2:0

16:00 - Aston Villa vs. Bolton Wanderers - 2:1

16:00 - Blackburn Rovers vs. Portsmouth - 1:2

18:30 - Wolverhampton Wanderers vs. Arsenal - 1:3


8.november 2009:

14:30 - Hull City vs. Stoke City - 2:1

16:00 - Wigan Athletic vs. Fulham - 1:1

16:00 - West Ham United vs. Everton - 2:1

17:00 - Chelsea vs. Manchester United - 2:2


9.november 2009:

21:00 - Liverpool vs. Birmingham - 3:1



a ešte sem dám tohto krásneho smajlíka ... just nech je využitý :lol:

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Výsledky tipovačky - 12.kolo - 7.-9.11.2009


  • Tottenham Hotspur vs. Sunderland - 2:0
  • Manchester City vs. Burnley - 3:3
  • Aston Villa vs. Bolton Wanderers - 5:1
  • Blackburn Rovers vs. Portsmouth - 3:1
  • Wolverhampton Wanderers vs. Arsenal - 1:4
  • Hull City vs. Stoke City - 2:1
  • Wigan Athletic vs. Fulham - 1:1
  • West Ham United vs. Everton - 1:2
  • Chelsea vs. Manchester United - 1:0
  • Liverpool vs. Birmingham - 2:2

Výsledky tipovačky - 12.kolo

  • slimak - 24 bodov
  • aljak63 - 21 bodov
  • lopata555 - 21 bodov
  • game - 19 bodov
  • Ryan Giggs - 16 bodov
  • tomassi - 12 bodov

Tabuľka podľa bodov

  • aljak63 - 247 bodov
  • game - 227 bodov
  • Ryan Giggs - 223 bodov
  • lopata555 - 212 bodov
  • tomassi - 206 bodov
  • phersu - 170 bodov
  • slimak - 167 bodov
  • nutrinka - 113 bodov
  • tiborco - 91 bodov

Tabuľka podľa úspešnosti

  • aljak63 - (117/117) - 2,11
  • game - (117/117) - 1,94
  • tiborco - (47/117) - 1,94
  • phersu - (89/117) - 1,91
  • Ryan Giggs - (117/117) - 1,91
  • lopata555 - (117/117) - 1,81
  • tomassi - (117/117) - 1,76
  • slimak - (96/117) - 1,74
  • nutrinka - (65/117) - 1,74
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13.kolo - 21.-22.11.2009


21.november 2009:

13:45 - Liverpool vs. Manchester City

16:00 - Birmingham vs. Fulham

16:00 - Sunderland vs. Arsenal

16:00 - Burnley vs. Aston Villa

16:00 - Chelsea vs. Wolverhampton Wanderers

16:00 - Hull City vs. West Ham United

18:30 - Manchester United vs. Everton


22.november 2009:

14:30 - Bolton Wanderers vs. Blackburn Rovers

16:00 - Tottenham Hotspur vs. Wigan Athletic

17:00 - Stoke City vs. Portsmouth

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ďalšie skvelé kolo :lol:


inak aljak tabuľku úspešnosti,

by si mohol začať pretvárať po vzore brankárov NHL,

čiže zohľadňovať aj počet odchytaných-natipovaných zápasov

myslím, že bude súhlasiť väčšina tipujúcich

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