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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/2024 in all areas

  1. Dnes letom svetom, Finsko a lohikeitto Vyborne, zvladne to uvarit kazdy/okrem tomasa/😀
    1 point
  2. Aha ho, veterníky ti hneď zarezonovali, aj prirástli k srdcu, ale naše dlhoročné rady o zdravom stravovaní.., o chudnutí, nie a nie..s tým sa ti ťažko stotožňuje.Ty sa neondi, nelamentuj, schudni.
    1 point
  3. Jesenný aranžmán
    1 point
  4. HOW TO MAKE A MAN HAPPY: Make food; Sleep with him; Don't ask questions; Leave him alone. HOW TO MAKE A WOMAN HAPPY: Be Friends Companion Lover Beautiful Charming Good in the kitchen Athleticism Electrician Plumber Mechanic Carpenter Decorator Stylist Poet Psychologist Bug zapper Psychiatrist Good-natured A good listener Organizer A good father Smelly Empathetic Cult Sensitive Attentive Seductive Smart Funny Creative Hot Strong Understanding Tolerant Prudent Ambitious Capable Brave Determined True Insurance Check everything Punching bag Lonely without friends DON'T FORGET TO: Praise often Give gifts Be honest Opening the car door Not to stress her Don't look at other women. Lift the toilet lid. Being a computer teacher. Don't snore. Do not dry your feet with a towel. AND ALSO Never forget: her birthday dating anniversary the anniversary of the first kiss the anniversary of the first time they met her mother's birthday Valentine's Day and being faithful THEY HATE... Who responds Who remains silent You lie to them Be sincere Worries Who doesn't care Be jealous Don't be jealous BONUS: And never forget fellas, even if you are right, you are always wrong.
    0 points
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